European Parliament Elections: A New Political Environment in Europe and Turkey.

AuthorKaymakci, Faruk

Elections in a Period of Change, Challenge, and Uncertainty (1)

Over the years and with subsequent changes in European treaties, the EP has acquired substantial powers. Together, with the representatives of the governments of the Member States in the Council, the Parliament shapes the direction in which the European project is heading towards today. Besides the policies of the leading powers within the EU, it is the structure and balance of power within the Parliament that shapes the leadership of the EU and the Commission itself. Despite waning interest and a low level of participation in the elections, the EP is still an important institution in Europe and plays a crucial role in relations with EU-neighboring regions, including EU candidate Turkey. The recent elections that took place from May 23-26, 2019 are unique because of the unprecedented circumstances dominated by change, challenge, and uncertainty in Europe. Serious interlinked crises, and internal and external challenges have called into question the EU's institutional structure and its future direction. The need for large-scale reform and restructuring is stronger than ever. The European project seems to have lost credibility and cohesion. The rise of the far-right, resulting from insecurity, illegal migration and thus, increased xenophobic tendencies, is of growing concern. Not only does it pose a threat to peaceful coexistence and social cohesion in Europe, it also erodes the EU's capacity to influence its close neighborhood and beyond. Still not fully able to overcome the Eurozone crisis, increased economic disparities, and gaps of economic performance among Member States continue. Irregular migration flows and disunity among Members on how to respond to them add a new dimension to much-needed geostrategic thinking. Terrorist attacks on European soil have raised security concerns and started a debate on how thin and delicate the line is between security and freedom. The loosening of transatlantic ties comes in a period when the rule-based economic system faces threats. Constant questioning of the idea of enlargement jeopardizes the EU's anchor role regarding candidate and potential candidate countries and weakens the greatest soft power tool the EU has ever had. Brexit, whether it will happen or not, has already changed both the UK and the EU, as well as the main pa rameters on which their relations are based.

The challenges our continent faces today are fundamental; how they will be addressed will have profound effects on the future. Therefore, the new EP now forming under unprecedented circumstances will also have exceptional responsibilities, particularly to address these challenges in a way that strengthens the EU as an institution as well as its regional and global role.

EP Elections: The Result of Change and the Impetus for Further Changes

The results of the recent EP elections are actually a direct consequence of the changing political environment in Europe. However, they will also be the reason for further changes to take place within the EU and in its Member States. During the last five years, the European political scene has changed dramatically. The results of national elections held across Europe show us that Europeans are asking for change, since they are not satisfied with the solutions provided by the mainstream political parties and their leaders in power. In that sense, the EP elections...

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